QR TIGER’s Privacy Policy outlines the company’s policies and procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing customer and user information.
Furthermore, QR TIGER values permission and your freedom to ensure GDPR compliance.
GDPR is an EU rule that requires companies to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens.
When registering for an account for the desired service, the registration procedure requests personal information including, but not limited to:
• First name and last name
• Email address, and;
• Password
However, QR TIGER QR code generator does not collect and keep personally identifiable information regarding the use of its outputs in user promotions.
As stated in the company’s privacy policy, QR TIGER will not:
• Share any of your personal information without your consent or unless required by law.
• Share your website/application statistics without your consent.
• Only process your personal information to provide, improve, ensure delivery, and develop new user services.
Moreover, QR TIGER has implemented necessary security measures to protect Customer Information, and Customer User Data kept on its systems from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction.
These security measures include limited and password-protected access, public or private keys with a high level of security, encryption on processed data, and SSL encryption to secure data transport.
QR TIGER is also ISO 27001 certified. Your information will be classified as extremely sensitive or private, ensuring its safety and security.
As a company with a worldwide reach, QR TIGER can guarantee the security of your sensitive data.
QR code privacy and security concerns
QR code privacy and security are important both for businesses and their users.
Like clicking on a random link in an email, text message, or a link through a “link shortening” service such as bit.ly, it’s hard to know what information a QR code contains simply by looking at it.
If you don’t scan the QR code, you won’t know where it will take you.
There have been fake QR codes that take users to a malicious website or something designed for phishing attacks that imitate a website you already trust.
This entices users to provide sensitive information without realizing they’re sending it to an unknown party.
If the QR code doesn’t contain a URL, it could have other information that could cause your device to malfunction.
But instead of being worried, you only need to be fully informed of the best practices for using QR codes.
Related: QR code scams: Here’s how you can avoid them
How to avoid a QR code cyberattack
QR TIGER values the security and privacy of its customers’ data and information.
If you’re hesitant to scan a QR code, take these precautions to avoid cyberattacks.
• The moment you scan a QR code, always check the URL and ensure the embedded site is legit, not a scam. Note that a malicious domain name can be similar to an intended URL. However, it can have a typographical error or a misplaced letter.
• Be cautious while inputting login, personal, or financial information on a website accessed using a QR code.
• If you scan an actual or printed QR code, always make sure that the code is not tampered with or not just placed on top of the original QR code.
• When you receive an email that says your payment from a specific company has failed and it states that you can only complete the payment through the QR code, call the company and verify it.
• If you receive a QR code that you believe to be from someone you know, you should contact them to confirm its authenticity.
Importance of QR code privacy
Digital transactions are sometimes safer as your information won’t be left on a piece of paper where anyone can see it.
However, there are issues with automatically scanning QR codes without knowing the consequences.
When you scan a QR code, there’s a tendency that it will redirect you to a form that requests additional information aside from your name and phone number.
Think twice if you need to put it. Don’t be afraid to ask the company requesting this information for clarification.
To sum it all up, you need to be mindful of the technology you use and the people you share your information with.
As a response to COVID-19, more people are now using QR codes.
Because of this, people may use them without knowing the risks.
It’s always best to scan a QR code if it comes from a trusted establishment.
Do not scan random QR codes you see online or offline, especially if they come without any context.
Generate and protect your QR code data privacy with the QR TIGER QR code generator now
Always check your QR code generator’s security features.
Make sure it’s updated with international security regulations and it allows you to create dynamic QR code features.
This way, your QR codes would look legitimate and trustworthy.
QR codes are generally a secure and efficient way to share information with others easily.
Understanding the typical privacy issues related to their use can ensure that your business and users’ data are protected.
To know more about QR codes, you can also visit our website.