Creative Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom

Creative Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom

QR codes in the classroom enable teachers to create a digital learning atmosphere that would accommodate the learning styles of students in the digital age.

As learners in the 21st century, students now lean towards a more independent and tech-savvy mode of learning, with information readily available with one click or one tap.

With QR codes employed in the classroom, students can access accurate sources and quality learning content. All it takes to do so is just one scan.

Moreover, incorporating QR codes in education field brings convenience to teachers as these ease their daily workload.

How exactly do small black-and-white squares contribute to enhancing the learning and teaching experience? Read more to find out how using QR codes in the elementary classroom or any classroom can transform the education sector.

How to use QR codes in the classroom?

QR code technology proves versatile as it can be used in the classroom for educational and organizational purposes.

Anyone can access whatever is in the QR code with one quick scan using their smartphones, which makes this tech tool highly beneficial for teachers and students.

Dynamic QR codes are extremely helpful inside the classroom. Teachers can use them for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • organizing their instructional materials and students’ outputs;
  • embedding QR codes with links to educational sources to support students in their learning progress;
  • using QR codes to opt for a paperless approach in the classroom in light of saving the environment;
  • linking their quizzes and exams to a QR code so that there would no longer be a need for printing multiple copies; and
  • creating interactive activities and games that would encourage students to participate.

For all these to happen, students just have to use their mobile devices.

Ten interesting ways to integrate QR codes into teaching

QR codes are flexible in nature and can be used in various fields, even in classrooms. Here are ten ways teachers can bring the educational experience to another level using a QR code in the classroom:

QR code for school: COVID-19 edition

Health form QR code

QR codes help in maintaining minimum health standards and safety precautions to guarantee the safety of schools from COVID-19.

The use of QR codes helps minimize contact activities, helping ensure the well-being of students, teachers, and school personnel.

Advanced readings

Teachers can use the URL code solution to make QR codes with links to educational websites where students can access relevant learning materials.

In addition to that, they can also use the file QR code solution to create QR codes with slideshows and articles, which students can use for further reading.

This allows teachers to encourage their students to learn independently.

Guide in speech lessons

Teachers can embed QR codes with audio files of pronunciation guides to help students in their speech lessons. They can also use speech drills and exercises.

These can be possible with the mp3 QR code solution.

Reading activities

Reading materials such as poems, stories, and articles often contain difficult words to improve students’ vocabulary. Some of these have confusing pronunciations.

By using a QR code in the classroom, teachers can link an audio file within a QR code to guide students in pronouncing the word.

Furthermore, they can also use infographics containing the definition of the word and a sample sentence using the word.

This practice guarantees that students are left with no confusion and questions.

Easy distribution of learning materials

Learning materials QR code

Teachers can use dynamic QR codes to send learning modules and worksheets to their students in a more orderly fashion.

They can also create PDFs and Word files of their quizzes and link these to a dynamic QR code and set a password to it so that only selected classes or students can access it.

Teachers can do this with the file QR code solution.

Private progress report

With bulk QR codes, teachers can create dynamic bulk URL QR codes in one go for each student where the students and their parents can access a Google Sheet with their grades on it so they can track their progress.

Teachers can even add a password to the QR code as an added security feature. With this, teachers can guarantee the confidentiality of each student’s grades.

Providing answers for students’ self-evaluation

After giving a quiz or an exam to students, teachers can then share the answer key with them by linking it to a QR code.

Teachers can upload a file containing the answers and use the file QR code solution. If their answer key is only short, they can use the text QR code solution instead, which can be used for free.

This allows students to check their own work and identify the items they did not answer correctly.

Gather students’ feedback

Feedback QR code

Teachers can create polls and surveys using online tools such as Google Forms to gather students’ feedback and then link these with QR codes in the classroom.

The QR code then redirects students to the Google Form with just one scan. Students will then put their feedback in and submit the form.

Alternative for class roll call

By using QR codes in the classroom, teachers can check students’ attendance.

Place a QR code near the door where students can scan it before entering the classroom.

The QR code can then be linked with a Google Form where students can input their names for class attendance.

All the teacher has to do is convert the Google Form link to a QR code.

Related: How to Use a Google Form QR Code for Attendance Tracking

Interactive activities

Take advantage of the fact that most students today use smartphones by using QR codes for activities such as games and puzzles.

Virtual QR code

QR codes can even be used to create a virtual museum where students can access trivia and facts about certain topics with just one scan of their devices.

Why should teachers use dynamic QR codes in the classroom instead of static ones?

QR codes come in two types: static and dynamic.

Static QR codes are free and can be scanned an unlimited number of times.

However, they are not editable. Once they are generated, users can no longer change the data inside them.

On the other hand, dynamic QR codes can be edited. Aside from that, they also come with a short URL inside, which contains the information embedded.

This short URL guarantees that the image of the QR code is less congested and easier to scan. It can also be shared with others.

Moreover, they have advanced features that make them extremely beneficial for teachers, such as:

They can be edited.

The contents of the QR code can be edited without changing the QR code and the short URL.

Teachers would definitely benefit from this as they are constantly updating their instructional materials to keep up with the latest educational trends.

This also means that teachers can simply reuse a dynamic QR code for other purposes.

They can be tracked.

Data about the dynamic QR codes can be tracked. This includes:

  • Total number of scans
  • The location where the code was scanned
  • When was it scanned?
  • The device used in scanning

With this feature, teachers can see who among their students is present in a class by tracking the QR code they used for class attendance.

They can also use this feature to check their students’ progress in their submission of outputs.

Protect with a password

Users can set a password for their dynamic QR codes to make them more secure and more private.

This is useful for teachers as they can create dynamic QR codes with contents that are exclusive only for selected classes or students.

Moreover, teachers can create dynamic QR codes embedded with an e-report card, set a unique password for each one, and send it to each of their students.

With the password feature, teachers can uphold the confidentiality of their documents and records.

Set an expiry

Users can set an expiry date for their dynamic QR codes. The code will then no longer redirect to its landing page once it expires.

Teachers can use this in giving interactive activities with time pressure or timed quizzes.

The expired dynamic QR code can also be reactivated at any time.

Email notification

With this feature, users will receive notifications on how many times the dynamic QR code was scanned.

There are four options for setting the email notification frequency: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Teachers can use this feature to guarantee that all their students have scanned the dynamic QR codes they have deployed in the classroom.

How to make QR codes for classroom use

There are various QR code generators that are available for use online, such as QR TIGER QR Code Generator, the best QR code generator with a logo.

QR TIGER offers various QR code solutions teachers can choose from and customization tools that allow them to customize their QR codes.

Here is a detailed guide to creating QR codes for classroom use:

1. Go to QR TIGER.

QR TIGER QR code generator is the best choice for creating dynamic QR codes. It offers 15 QR code solutions and customization tools.

It is also straightforward and user-friendly. Beginners will have no problems using this.

2. Select the needed QR code solution.

Each QR code solution caters to a certain type of digital information.

For instance, the file QR code solution allows users to upload files to the generator, which converts them to a link. The link will then be the information within the QR code.

3. Enter what the solution requires.

For file QR code solutions, simply click the “Upload your file” button. When using websites, copy the link and paste it into the entry bar.

4. Switch to a dynamic QR code.

Go for dynamic QR codes since they are more useful due to their advanced features.

5. Click the “Generate QR code” button.

Simply click the button to create the QR code.

6. Customize the QR code.

Add a personal touch to QR codes to make them more appealing.

Set the foreground and background colors, integrate a logo, and add a frame and a call to action or CTA.

Never overlook what a call to action can do.

A simple CTA such as “Scan Me” greatly helps in engaging students actually to scan the code.

7. Perform a scan test.

Scan the QR code with a smartphone first to see if it works.

This enables teachers to fix any errors or resolve any issues that may arise before actually deploying them in the classroom.

8. Download the QR code.

If the QR code is up and running, teachers can then download it and start using it in their classrooms for a variety of purposes.

How to create bulk QR codes for classroom use

With bulk QR codes, teachers can generate several unique QR codes in one go. This allows them to create specific QR codes for each of their students.

Here is how to create a bulk QR code with QR TIGER:

  1. Go to QR TIGER and download a template for the bulk QR code.
  2. On Microsoft Excel, edit the template and put the required data (URLs, vCard, text, number). This will determine the number of QR codes that will be generated.
  3. Save the template as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  4. Upload the CSV file on the bulk QR code solution.
  5. Click “Generate bulk QR code.”
  6. Customize the QR code.
  7. Download the QR code. It will be saved as a .zip file.
  8. Extract the .zip file and deploy the QR codes.

Teachers can then go to the dashboard and track the dynamic bulk QR codes.

QR TIGER offers four templates for bulk QR codes:

  • URL QR code
  • vCard QR code
  • Number QR code
  • Text QR code

Related: How to Create a Bulk QR Code With QR TIGER

Benefits of QR codes in the Classroom

Using a QR code in the classroom opens up numerous opportunities for improvement. When used properly and efficiently, these could come with many benefits. Here are some of them:

Differentiated instruction

Instruction material QR code

Since students have unique learning styles, teachers must employ QR code instruction examples to accommodate their differing needs.

With QR codes in the classroom, teachers can link varied materials such as articles, videos, and audio materials from the web to aid their learning.

The H5 QR code solution allows you to create a customized landing page with links and videos.

You can also generate a bulk URL QR code for different links, so you don’t have to generate a URL code individually.

Sufficient and accurate content

Some students want to learn more than what is written on the learning materials.

Teachers can then embed QR codes with URLs of educational websites that would supplement the content in the books.

By doing this, teachers have total control over what links to embed, which means they can select verified and accurate content on the web to guarantee that what the students read is precise.

QR codes for classroom management

Teachers can use QR codes for classroom management.

They can opt for QR codes in activities such as checking students’ attendance and informing them of their grades.

They can also use QR codes to provide instructions and evaluations to their students.

Share resources

Website QR code

QR codes allow teachers to share relevant educational sources, such as websites and videos, for their students’ further readings.

Save the trees

When teachers give students a QR code that leads them to the instructions, announcements, or assignments instead of printing more than they need, they are saving a lot of paper.

It can help them conserve space on their walls while also making your classroom more environmentally friendly.

How to scan a QR code

The students of today were born in the digital age; therefore, it is only appropriate to employ activities that incorporate the use of technology such as QR codes and smartphones.

Most smartphones and other mobile gadgets already come with a pre-installed scanner app, while others have an integrated QR code reader in their Camera app. To access the content in the QR code, follow these:

  • Open the camera. Make sure that the device supports QR code scanning.
  • Hover the device above the QR code.
  • Wait for 2–3 seconds to open the content embedded in the QR code.

If the students’ devices do not have these, they can simply install third-party software such as QR TIGER’s QR Code Generator app, which is available on Google Play Store for Android users and App Store for iOS users.

Moreover, the QR TIGER app is a comprehensive and powerful tool that is not only for scanning QR codes but also for generating and creating them.

QR code generator for teachers for free

QR TIGER offers a QR code generator for teachers free of charge. Teachers can use the QR TIGER QR Code generator to create QR codes for their daily classroom routine.

However, they can only create static QR codes. Static QR codes are not that bad, it is just that they do not come with advanced features, and this limits their capabilities in the classroom.

Dynamic QR codes, on the other hand, are great for use in the classroom because they come with innovative features that teachers can use to improve their teaching performance.

However, one must subscribe to a plan first before one can generate these codes.

Fortunately, QR TIGER offers a free trial where users have access to three dynamic QR codes.

Here is the catch, though: each free dynamic QR code limits the number of scans to 100.

Furthermore, users do not have access to the advanced features of a paid dynamic QR code.

However, they are still trackable.

A static QR code for free sounds great, but when it comes to functionality and convenience, dynamic QR codes are the better choice.

With dynamic QR codes, teachers can create a fun and interesting learning experience for their 21st-century students.

Use QR codes in the classroom to make student learning creative

As the world keeps moving toward digitalization, more and more people use smartphones, and QR codes are becoming the most popular way to manage links.

It would be wise to take advantage of this technological advancement and apply it in various fields, such as in the education sector, to bring ease and efficiency to the processes involved in them.

With QR codes in classrooms, education in the 21st century will become a wonderful experience for both teachers and students.

QR TIGER offers subscription plans at reasonable prices.

Avail one today or register for a free trial and start generating dynamic QR codes!

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